
Number of People: 2

Budget: $0

This event traditionally takes place the last afternoon on the Island, although it could be held any afternoon given enough time to form teams.

Teams are made up of a 1-lap runner, a 1-lap walker, 2 swimmers, and 2 rowers and a 2-lap runner. Each team also needs a timer. Materials required are poster board, sign-up sheets, stop watches, prizes (many for young helpers), award certificates and time sheets.

It has been recommended that teams be chosen randomly, but this might detract from some of the spirit. It is suggested moving the events around so that you don't have swimmers and rowers at the dock at the same time.

Herb Foster adjusted the total time by taking the maximum age difference in years and subtracting that number of seconds from the total time. Some variation could be tried.

Each team must fulfill the requirements of age and gender in the events. Usually each team must have someone over 40, under 10, etc. Teams must be complete to compete. They usually choose a jazzy name. All activity is centered on the pier, which is easier for the porch potatoes to observe. (Suggestions for additional Quadrathalon events include world class chair rocking.)

Rules: All runners/walkers proceed counterclockwise around the jogging course, previously marked. All swimmers circle buoy, clock or counter, whichever suits the course. Rowers generally proceed, one person on each oar, clockwise around tall white buoy (off dock) and back to dock stern first for safety. Time keepers start watch at the start and don't stop it! Make a note of time at the completion of each leg.

Supply stop watches and prizes.