Scavenger Hunt
Number of People: 2 with 1-2 helpers
Budget: $0
The Scavenger Hunt can be an intergenerational vehicle to mix and mingle as well as a way to teach our New Shoalers some of the Island's history and idiosyncrasies. The teams can be predetermined or random. The Scavenger Hunt is planned for Sunday afternoon before the tournaments and games get rolling.
Your job is to come up with a wingding of a Scavenger Hunt that will be part physical challenge (who can read the date written in the bottom of Betty Moody's cave?) and part mental (to put the porch potatoes to work). Teams should be 5-10 people. Be prepared to do an introduction and send-off for the hunt. Make sure to have some puzzles for kids.
In 2009 the Scavenger Hunt will take place on Sunday afternoon. (The meeting of former chairs starts at 3:30, so all event activities run by former chairs should end before then).
Prizes for the winning team(s) are optional but a nice way to begin the week, especially for young kids.
Note; in 2012, the children's groups were challenged to come up with a game. The Jr Teens came up with 'the Great Game'. It wasn't played in 2012. However, this could provide a substitution for the scavenger hunt, as it meets the purpose of getting different age groups together. Contact Jim Cooper and/or Lisa Zeund-Misner about the game. If you decide to do it you may want to put a blurb in the dockside post so people are aware of it.
Note: One great idea, played once a few years ago, is to challenge groups to find one unique item beginning with each letter of the alphabet. Items need to be brought back to the porch at the end of the hunt for comparison. If two or more groups have the same item, it doesn't count. Only unique items get a point each. The group with the most points wins. Creative interpretations of what "counts" are at the discretion of the scavenger hunt organizer
Last edited by Kathy West - June 2018