People required: 1-2
Budget: 0
This class is held at Brookfield. There are extra mats under the benches.
You may have to sweep the floor before your class. We can ask if conference services can do this; if they can't you will have to ask for a broom and take care of it yourself.
Music: bring your own ipod or cell phone. There is a PA system but you may not be able to connect your phone to it. See conference services for help connecting, they can be found 10 minutes before each meal on the bench next to the front desk.
For the past few years, Gene Taylor has offered a class at 11:30 am, Monday - Friday. There have also been classes offered at 7:00 am if a teacher volunteers. There is an audience for each time frame.
In 2012, Gene Taylor went to island management and asked if the well house could be considered a smoking area. He then asked the cigar smokers if they would consider meeting there (instead of the front of Brookfield). This may have to be repeated in future years.
Last reviewed by Kathy West - June 2018