The secretary is an elected officer of the All Star 2 Family Conference. The following section is drawn from the bylaws and outline the basic responsibilities of the role.
Article III - Section 5. Secretary. The Secretary of the corporation shall keep accurate records in books provided for that purpose of all the proceedings at the meetings of the directors and shall also keep copies of all corporate documents. Such books records and documents shall be open at all reasonable times for the inspection of any director. The Secretary shall perform all the duties as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate. In the absence of the Secretary from any meeting, a Secretary pro tempore may be elected.
The Board meets twice every year, once on island during the AS2 Family Conference and once in the Fall at different locations. The Secretary's duties fall mainly around the times of these meetings and the following outlines what those duties are. They don’t differ much between the Fall and Summer meetings.
Before Each Meeting
About one month before the meeting:
Contact other officers and other ex-chairs to start to establish an agenda for the upcoming meeting. The typical agenda for each meeting is attached in Appendix A. Create the Agenda in Google Drive.
Remind working groups from the last meeting that they are on the agenda for this meeting.
Update the Chairs Meetings page on the website to include a link to the agenda document.
Email the draft minutes of the last meeting to the chairs list and ask for corrections.
About a week before the meeting:
Make any corrections to the minutes of the last meeting.
Update the agenda as items are proposed, in concert with the Executive Committee (the other officers).
Upload any reports or other documents needed for the meeting to the Google Drive folder and add links to the agenda.
Arrange for someone to run a Zoom meeting for off-site chairs. (Don't volunteer to do it; you need your laptop for minutes.)
Email the chairs list with a link to the agenda and links to all reports (the Board Packet). Include the meeting date, time and place and the Zoom link for off-site participants.
For the summer meeting, talk to new chairs to make sure they know to reserve Elliot 3:00pm-4:30pm on Sunday for the public session, and Sandpiper 4:30pm-5:00pm for executive session.
Update the Sign-In document. Add new chairs, remove deceased etc.
As you pack to leave for meeting remember:
Secretaries folder with all old info
Newly printed Sign in Sheet (and pen)
A few copies of Minutes (in case people didn’t bring their own)
Your laptop for recording minutes
At the Meeting
Get to the designated room(s) about 30 mins before to make sure that:
Water is available
Whiteboard is available with markers in Sandpiper (summer)
There are enough chairs for expected attendance
There is a table for Secretary to use for working
There is a table for the Zoom computer.
Place Sign-in sheet and pen in a place for people to sign
Place copies of minutes in place for people to pick up
Work with the President to ensure meeting starts on time, and help run the meeting if requested, especially considering time restrictions.
Take minutes of meeting.
Take care in getting any motions correctly worded (proposer, seconded names are not required but sometimes are useful)
Keep careful notes of names when people are volunteering for roles
If a new working group is formed ensure moderator has someone identified to run it
When last meeting minutes are presented you make the motion to have them accepted as presented (or amended if that is needed)
As part of the approval of minutes point out that people need to sign in.
Collect any handouts for our records (especially if they have not been previously emailed).
If needed get new chairs to sign the official document that has all the chairs signatures.
Sign any paperwork required (new bylaws for example).
After the Meeting (as soon as you can after getting home)
Remove DRAFT notation from the last meeting minutes and make any corrections to the Google Doc.
Clean up this meeting’s DRAFT minutes (confirm spelling of names especially) and distribute via email as soon as possible asking for any corrections/typos etc.
Upload this meeting’s DRAFT minutes to the Google Drive folder.
Upload all supporting emailed reports to the Google Drive folder (Treasurer's report, Registrar’s report, GLF report, etc.) and add link to the DRAFT minutes.
Add a link to the DRAFT minutes to the Chairs Meetings page on the website. Update the link to the last meeting's minutes if needed and remove the DRAFT notation.
Review the website and make sure all documentation is available.
Make a folder for the next meeting in the Google Drive folder for Chairs Meetings.
In that folder, create a tentative agenda for next meeting using the typical agenda plus all working groups established in this meeting.
File any new corporate documents appropriately. Upload them to the Google Drive in the Documents folder.
Appendix A: Typical Agenda Items
Every Summer
Starting in 2018 we opened the non-executive session open to anyone on the island who is interested.
President is Moderator
Recognize AS2 Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc. (Moderator)
Prior Meeting Minutes (Secretary)
Treasurer's Report - Preliminary (Treasurer)
Registrar's Report (Registrar)
CoC Update (One of our CoC Reps)
GLF report (Committee chair)
SIC Annual Fund Update (Current Rep Assigned by SIC)
SIC Board Reps Report (One of our SIC Board reps)
Elect AS2 Family Conference Officers (Moderator)
Report Back from Active working groups (from last meeting)
Any other business
Executive Session - Elect new chairs (moderator)
Every Fall
President is Moderator
Recognize AS2 Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc (Moderator)
Prior Meeting Minutes (Secretary)
Auditors Report (Treasurer) - Not done in Summer
Treasurer's Report – Audited (Treasurer)
Registrar's Report (Registrar) – Not done if just a repeat from summer
CoC Update (One of our CoC Reps)
GLF report (Committee chair) – Not done if repeat from Summer
SIC Annual Fund Update (Current Rep Assigned by SIC)
SIC Board Reps Report (One of our SIC reps)
Report Back from Active working groups (from last meeting)
Any other business