Annual Fund
We have started having teams work on this job. The conferees are assigned to a team member who will then contact them while on island. There is also a 'Junior Chair' that is responsible for contacting young adults.
The head/chair of the committee should be named fairly early (ie March) so they can be involved in the pre-summer conference calls with the other conferences.
Fund Development Events:
Shining the Star: A vision for the future of Star Island
Writing Room
All are welcome
McGill Society Reception (POSSIBLY)
Tuesday, 4:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Newton Front
McGill members and anyone interested in McGill
Donor Appreciation Social Hour
Fund Development will sponsor food ordered from Oceanic for Social Hour in Newton, for Friends of Bill, and for any alcohol-free event if there is one
Tuesday, 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
To thank and recognize all donors to Star Island and the Annual Fund
Volunteer Tasks during All Star 2 conference week:
Hand out AF pins to all who have made AF gifts to date
Wear “Ask me about the Annual Fund” ribbons on your name tags
Review donor lists from previous years
Personally thank all who have already given
Divide the list of all who gave last year but not yet this year and personally connect with each to ask them to make their gift
Make announcements:
on Monday about the presentation on the Feasibility Study (Shining the Star)
on Tuesday about the 2 receptions
in general to encourage all to support the Annual Fund as generously as possible
After Conference week:
Send personal notes of thanks to all who gave (we can provide paper and envelopes)
Send email reminder to all who have not yet given asking them to support Star Island