Candlelight Services Organizer

Admin's Note: This page needs to be updated. Are you willing to write a new version? Please email

Number of People: 1–2, plus several helpers

Budget: $0

Recruit 4 speakers or 4 groups of speakers, and assign each to one of four nights: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. The current Chairs do Saturday night Candlelight chapel; the new Chairs are responsible for Friday. Traditionally the Senior Teens do a service on Thursday night.

The speakers should be chosen from those people who indicated on their evaluation sheets of the previous year that they would like to lead an evening chapel service. Call the Chairs for suggestions if you don't have enough volunteers. Give the names of the leaders on the schedule to the Chairs and also to the Starboard Scribe when you get to the Island.

Be sure to tell the speakers that they will need to arrange for music in advance. If there is a Conference Music Director, get their contact info from the Chairs and provide it to your speakers. The Island Music Coordinator may be available to play the pump organ, but will need to be asked at least one day ahead.

Make sure to bring with you one or two extra good strong flashlights and replacement batteries for them.

Upon arrival at Star, it is wise to check in with Conference Services about the timing and setup for Candlelight services — All Star II runs on a different (earlier) schedule than other conferences.

You should:

Some special comments for Senior Teen chapel:

This is an easy job — but it is an everyday (7 days) job. And of course it means staying up every night until 11:00 p.m.