Dancing with the Shoalers
Number of People: 1-2
Budget: ??
Dancing With the Shoalers
In recent years, Bonnie and Jonas have been leading 'Dancing with the Shoalers'. They bring their music and enthusiasm and ability to teach the steps. This had been held in Brookfield, but has lately been taking place on the Oceanic Front Porch, which helps to both increase participation and allow for more gawkers (many of whom end up participating themselves). It should be scheduled for Sunday evening (or whenever Bonnie and Jonas want to run it!). In the event of rain, it can be moved into Elliott.
Square Dancing
In years past, Dudley and Jacqueline Laufman came out to the island to call the square dance. They might come again if asked. They request that the dances start PROMPTLY at 7:15 p.m. (for children) and end at 9:45 p.m. Make an announcement to ensure that people get to Brookfield (or wherever it is) on time, so that they can have a good long time to dance.
The equipment needed is a sound system, if possible with two mikes with stands. If necessary they can manage with only one mike. Also please get a check from the Treasurer (Tim Flint) in the amount as negotiated by the Chairs made out to "Two Fiddles" to be given to them at the end of the evening.
The Laufmans will arrive on the Island on the 3:00 p.m. Sunday boat and will leave on either the 9:00 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. boat on Monday. They are counted in the "resource people" category and therefore do not count in the maximum conference limit.
The most recent Square dance was in 2005 -- available because we had received grant money and because the Laufmans were offering a hard to refuse rate.
Last reviewed by Kathy West - June 2018