All Star II 2007
Saturday, July 7, to Saturday, July 14, 2007Chairs: Tom and Julie Fenn, Lexington, MA
Important, Sad News
Tom Fenn -- Wednesday June 27, 2007, 8:23pm
Julie and I are heart broken to report that about 1 hour ago, I received a call from Joe Watts, the Island Conference Center Director who informed me that the State and Rye Fire Marshall's have closed Star Island until August. Apparently there have been a number of fire code violations for sometime which have not been rectified. I can't tell you how we feel at this time having to send these words out to you. We will be calling all of you shortly, but we wanted to get this notice off to you as soon as possible so as to assist you in any changes in you vacation plans.
"Star Island conference center waits for OK to open", Seacoastonline, June 26, 06:00.
"June 27th Update on the Conference Season Delay", Star Island News, Wednesday, June 27th, 2007
Save Our Star multi-conference fundraising for an island in need
Introduction to the 2007 conference
Our guest speaker, Peter H. Fenn, political media consultant, will discuss current political affairs and explore the process of the political commercial and its varied affects on the voter. Our speakers Conferees will have the opportunity to develop a political campaign commercial for the up-coming Presidential Election. Mr. Fenn is President of Fern Communications Group (www.fenn-group.com) in Washington, D.C., which has served as media advisors to Fortune 500 companies, advocacy groups and political candidates. Fenn Communications Group has been active in every state in the nation and has also produced media for a number of international campaigns: Russia's constitutional and parliamentary elections, Nicaragua's presidential election, and Colombia's Presidential election. Peter also teaches at George Washington University's Graduate School of Political Management, and is a frequent guest and co-host on MSNBC, CNN, Fox and CNBC. He can be seen regularly on Saturday mornings on MSNBC opposite Pat Buchanan.
The Reverend Susie Phoenix is our minister of the week. Well known to the Isles of Shoals, Rev. Phoenix began attending All Star II as a small child with her parents. She is Interim Minister at the First Congregational Church of Lee, Massachusetts and has dual standing as a UU and UCC minister.
-- Tom and Julie Fenn