Bedtime Story Coordinator
Number of People: 1
Budget: $0
Bedtime stories help young shoalers to get ready for bed by helping them calm down before going up their rooms.
It is important that the stories be read in a place that is both relatively quiet and yet visible to children who are passing by but may like to hear the stories. We suggest in the lobby of Oceanic back by the fireplace and the bookstore. You can also choose to have stories in the library room on second floor Oceanic, but in that case, you need to make more announcements, to be sure parents know to bring their children. The target range is between 2 and 8 years of age, although older children may stop by to listen.
The reading should last no more than half an hour. The coordinators should not feel compelled to read every night, and should approach parents about helping out as well. Feel free to contact the Chairs for names of parents if you would like to contact them prior to arriving at Star.
It is important that the Bedtime Stories by announced frequently, because as of 2006 it is not an ingrained event and because children (and even tired parents) can be forgetful. Finding someone with a big voice to announce that event is about to begin may also be a good idea.
Last Edited by Kathy West - June 2018