All Star II 2001
Saturday, July 7, to Saturday, July 14 2001
Chairs: Craig Allshouse & Bonnie Smith
Speaker: Briant "Mike" Lee on "Theater in Our Lives"
Minister of the Week: Rev. Rebecca Cohen
Dr. Briant Hamor "Mike" Lee, retired Professor of Theatre History and Comparative Drama at Bowling Green University in Ohio, discussed "Theatre in Our Lives." He has studied at several universities including Academia Degli Belle Arti in Rome and holds a Ph.D. from Michigan State University. He has acted in, designed, directed, and written/adapted over two hundred plays, and his articles have appeared in various theatre publications including Empirical Research in Theatre, which he edited and published for over five years. Both he and his wife, Nancy, are accomplished Scottish bag pipers, playing with a variety of groups in northwest Ohio, as well as any production of Brigadoon within easy commuting distance! Among the issues that he explored were drama as entertainment and enlightenment, the superiority of comedy or tragedy, and controversy in the theatre. Through lectures, media presentation, limited performance, and some group participation, Mike led us in a reconsideration of "live" theatre today.
All-Star II Fabulous Volunteers and Staff
Conference Chairs: Craig Allshouse and Bonnie Smith
Minister of the Week: Rebecca Cohen
Speaker: Briant "Mike" Lee
Treasurer: Phil Hurzeler
Wa Master: Margy Levine Young (Wa: Harmony, balance in all things; formerly "Troubleshooter")
Children's Staff
Coordinators: Joni Lipton and Stephanie Hubbard
Nestlings: Betty Sue Lentz
Skimmers: Sue Barry, Norman Wright
Puffins: Jonathan Rawle, Kathy Rawle
Terns: Maureen Kellman, Ronde Bradley
Gulls: Sally Russell, Jordan Young
Jr. Teens: Britt Cryer, Alan Finkelstein
Mid-Teens: John Lutterbie, Sara Lutterbie
Sr. Teens: Rodney Lowe, Kathy Martin
Music: Susie Phoenix
Art, Children's: Joni Praded
Art, Children's/Adult: ??
Volunteer Leaders
Adult Farewell Party: Roger Kellman
Adult Farewell Party Music: Maury Lesser
Adult Grand March: Jordan and Margy Levine Young
Adult Stunt Night: Alan Armstrong, Caroline Taylor
Announcements: Seth Allshouse
Appledore Trip: Lisa Phoenix
Art Auction: Mark and Wendy Lichty
Art Supply Coordinator: Lucy Susslin
Banquet Night: Cathy Cordes
Candlelight Services: Candace and Peter Erickson
Chanticleer: Joanna Foster
Chapel Flowers: Anne Fenn
Children's Afternoon Activities: Eileen and Robert Eberhart, Jennifer Blue and Rick Colby, Ellen and Sarah Eberhart, Meg and Paul Candilore, Lisa Eberhart and Toby Wood, Cameron Allshouse and Eric Zahn
Children's Candlelight: Britt and David Cryer
Children's Farewell Party: Dan Cryer and Tara Stout
Children's Grand March: Jordan Young, Jr.
Children's Stunt Night: Carolyn Cryer, Joan Dwyer
Clam Night: Dan Chartrand
Data Base Intern: Tyne Allshouse
Dictionary: Irene and Tim Flint
Ding-a-ling: Julie and Tom Fenn
Dockside Post: Mark Goldberg, Lin Tollefsen
Experts' Night: Lori Heninger and Jack Patterson
Field Day: Peter Mosseau
Fly Fishing: Peter Erickson
Get Acquainted/Get Dramatic: Nancy Berners-Lee
Golf Clinic: Mike Lally
Happy Hour: Lud and Sue Baldwin
Happy Hour Babysitting: Jim and Noni Cooper
Hospitality to the Speaker: David Kay and Katy Weeks
Luggage Line: Cameron Allshouse and Eric Zahn
Marshmallow Roast: Mark Doty, Sarah Doty
Men's Group: Karl Haslinger
Morning Chapel: Mary Neumann
Morning Coffee: Susan Binzel, Norman Wright
Morning Stretches: Karen Diaz
Musicale: Herb Foster
Name Tags: Lonn Braender
Name Tags in Oceanic: Alyce Kaplan
New Shoaler Hospitality: Bonnie Sylvester
Polar Bear Dip: Bernie May
Quadathlon: Michael Kaplan
Reflexology: Betty Sue Lentz
Sandpiper: Jessica Wright-Lichter
Saturday Hospitality: Jonas Gavelis
Scavenger Hunt: Ethan Brown, Randy Brown
Secret Shoaler: Darice Peruch
Softball - ASII vs. Pels: Rocky Peruch
Softball - Kids: Larry Davis
Softball - Kids vs. Moms: Doreen and Alex Stagnaro-Green
Starboard Scribe: Tim Berners-Lee
Starboard Art: Lori Heninger
Sunday Hospitality: Linda Lesser
Talks on the Rocks: David and Mary Ellen Mellen
Teens' Farewell Party: John and Simon Lutterbie
Theme Lunches: Pat and Phil Hurzeler
Tournaments: Brian Lipton
Volleyball: Rebecca Flint
Websters: Ben and Tara Cordes
Welcoming Parties: Ben and Tara Cordes
Whale Watch? Bruce Oswald
Women's Group: Mary Haslinger
Writing Workshop: Maureen Kellman
Yoga (late a.m.): Alison Barrows Ronn and Matt Ronn