Brookfield All Star II Storage Clean Up
Number of People: 2
Budget: $0
In 2003 the Island assigned large plastic bins for consolidation of each conference’s stuff. Each conference has space assigned in the Brookfield storage area for these bins. You should take some time to go through the All Star II stuff during the week and make sure that only items of likely future use are kept. The Island realizes that we may have need for storage of odd sized items outside of the plastic bins (e.g. land skis for the kids games) but his should be the exception rather than the rule. The following is an excerpt from the Island Handbook: Most conferences have a storage area in Brookfield. Storage areas are the responsibility of the conference. Materials stored there are not island equipment and the island staff does not maintain the area. At the end of the summer, the island staff does a FIRE CHECK on the storage area and anything that presents a fire hazard is discarded. The island staff is not expected to carry equipment, pack, unpack or return it at the end of the week. We will provide a truck and driver to help the conference staff transport materials. Each conference is encouraged to designate two people if needed, to remain after the conference departure (until the next boat) to be sure that all conference materials, equipment and other items are properly organized and stored away or removed from the island. However, this can be avoided if the clean out is done on Friday afternoon and the island staff enlisted to help unlock the door in the event of late storage by staff members.
For fire safety and other reasons, the following materials cannot be stored: 1. Any flammable liquids (e.g., paint, turpentine, paint thinners, rubbing alcohol, etc.); 2. Anything perishable, especially food items; 3. Wood, rags, cloth for tie dying, and newspaper. (These items can be supplied on the island every year- ask Conference Services).
Note: One year much of the supplies the children's staff left from year to year was cleaned out. They were a little surprised when they got there the next year. If it looks like someone might use it next year (i.e. not trash) and it is not on the off-limits list, it may be best to leave it in the bin.
Last edited by Kathy West - June 2018