Adult Stunt Night

Number of People: 2–3

Budget: $0

Adult Stunt Night is a talent show by and for the conference, held one evening late in the week in Elliot for access to the stage and occasionally the piano. You'll need:

Put in an announcement early in the week asking for performers. You can either put a sign-up sheet on the Writing Desk or have people ask you personally to be added, but you should make sure to speak with every performer at some point. Also let people know when sign-ups are closed, so you don't get a bunch of last-minute requests for acts an hour before the show (yes, this really happens). Be as inclusive as possible! Don't turn anyone down, so long as their act follows these guidelines:

The best Stunt Nights blend skits, sketches, and funny musical numbers. More "serious" music should be redirected to the Musicale. Poetry and other non-fiction readings are fine so long as they're short and don't make up the entire show. Dance performances work pretty well, but slideshows and short films don't; they can be done but you'll spend a lot of time setting up and tearing down the video projector and the screen.

Aim for a one-hour show with roughly ten acts (or a few more, if they're short). You definitely want to finish before Chapel (9:30pm as of the time of this writing), especially because Adult Stunt Night is usually the same night as Senior Teen Chapel.

Traditionally, the last act of the show has been a "roast" sketch written in honor of the speaker (and/or the chairs). There hasn't been one since 2022. If you decide to make this happen you'll need to find volunteers who are willing to go to all of the lectures and write, direct, rehearse, and perform a comedy skit during the week. In some years, these volunteers will find you; in others, you may struggle to find any at all. It's fine to poke fun at quirks or notable mannerisms, but be kind – remember that this is supposed to be fun! (There was one infamous year where the roast was so harsh that the Speaker took the next boat home. Don't let that happen again.)

Advice from former coordinators:

last update: Ben Cordes, July 2024 (post-conference)