Hospitality to Speaker and Minister
Note: Traditionally the previous years' Chairs fill the role of Hospitality to the Speaker, and the Hospitality to the Minister job (performed by a previous Chair, but not the same piece of used furniture as is doing Hospitality to Speaker) is needed only when the Minister is not from AS2.
For Hospitality to Minister, substitute "Minister" every place the word "Speaker" is used.
The person chosen for this job tries in every way possible to introduce the speaker, and his/her family, to life on Star Island. Needless to say, this job is best performed by someone who knows the Island and its procedures very well. It has been the custom to invite the previous Chairs to take on this special responsibility. Even if the speaker knows some of the conferees it is a good idea to introduce them to some new faces, including yours. The modus operandi differs with personalities involved, but some requirements remain the constant:
It's helpful to obtain name, email, phone number, and address of the speaker and family members so that you can contact them ahead of time and introduce yourself.
Welcome the speaker at the Portsmouth dock. Please help them figure out parking, luggage tags, name tags, etc. Try to introduce the speaker and family to other Old Shoalers. On the trip out, you can give a commentary on the history and folklore of Star Island, as well as our Conference's customs (warn them of the arrival cheer!)
Upon arrival, make sure that the Speaker finds the Chairs. Since the Chairs will be occupied with arrival duties, escort the Speaker and family to Oceanic for registration and then to their room – usually in the Parsonage.
You should offer your services if the Chairs cannot escort the Speaker to the Saturday Welcoming Social Hour and then to supper. Note for 2010 – please count on doing this job. With the late boat arrival, the Chairs will not be finished with the teen Brookfield meeting by social hour, and will probably not free up until dinner.
Point out the Starboard.
If the speaker has children, young shoalers should be recruited to help out in the hospitality effort; check with the Chairs in case they have forgotten to tell you!
Provisions should be made for any needs that arise and can be fulfilled, like water on the podium and chalk at the blackboard for lectures starting Monday morning. One year morning coffee was delivered to the speakers room. This is a nice touch if you can arrange it with the morning coffee volunteer (Chris Harris).
Check in during the week to ensure the speaker's week is going smoothly. Step in to help if there are any issues/problems.