Afternoon Stretches
Number of People: 1
Budget: $0
This activity occurs at 4:00 PM in the afternoon, and is a time for people to join together and do some easy afternoon stretching. It is geared for non-athletic people. Generally this activity is held in Brookfield or wherever you can find unoccupied space. On a nice afternoon, a brisk walk may be in order, or simply gathering in Brookfield for some arm/leg stretching and breathing exercises. Feel free to delegate this task as you see fit.
Bring CD's or music on your phone as you see fit. See conference services (at front desk 10 minutes before each meal) if you need help connecting your device to the sound system in Brookfield, or if you need a CD player. You may want to arrive early to sweep the floor. You may need to mention to Conference services that you need the closet unlocked for mats and other supplies.
Last Updated by Kathy West - June 2018