
Number of People: 1

Budget: $0

This job was created when Fred McGill could no longer make the rounds of Gosport and the cottages, waking everyone up with a weather report and the breakfast menu. So the Chanticleer is responsible for doing the waking beginning at 7:30 a.m. every morning (earlier on Saturday). The job is best done by a singing group, but anyone willing to bellow like Fred, with the accompaniment of several young children, will do. Available at the lobby desk (and possibly at the Star Island Corporation offices in Boston) are the ditties and jingles appropriate for this occasion. Remember to bring preprinted lyrics to island if you have your own favorites. You probably need about 10 copies. But we encourage you to make up your own as the inspiration strikes. Be sure to use familiar tunes, as they are easier to learn quickly. You may want to make an announcement at Orientation if you want singers. Ring the porch bell at 7:30 a.m. each day. Then tread the route, stopping to announce "Good Morning Shoalers", the time, possibly the weather, the breakfast menu.

Then sing at each of the following sites:

  • Oceanic second floor (each end of the hall)

  • Oceanic third floor (added in 1991)

  • Gosport second floor (open 2nd and 3rd floor fire doors)

  • Cottages A, B, C, D, and E

  • Founders

  • Bakers

  • YPRU

  • Parsonage

That means repeating the announcement about a baker's dozen times, so the repertoire should be extensive but rather short. You should finish before 7:50 a.m. (or the Chairs will never make it to breakfast!).

Links to fabulous lyrics: