Polar Bear Dip
Number of People: 1
Budget: $0
The Polar Bears are hearty Shoalers who start off their day with a 7:00 a.m. dip in the Atlantic. The leader of this group of brave souls should be sure that everyone in the group can swim and should generally make sure that everyone is OK. The water in the Atlantic at this time of year can be quite brisk. You should be the first one there and make sure there is a lifeguard on duty, early duty is 7-8am.
In past years, stickers attached to name tags, or plastic beads for bracelets have been a popular way to award this bravery. Also, award certificates (or special all-six-days beads) have been given to the bravest of bears at the end of the week. You should do any announcing of polar bear awards at Friday lunch to make sure that the banquet is short. A supply of stickers or beads (about 150) and blank certificates are the only supplies you'll need. Try to get New Shoalers involved by talking up this event. Remember to get up early for the 7:00 a.m. start.
Although announcements at meals can really add a sort of community fervor to this event, fewer announcements are usually better, so consider developing a way to post the daily count in the lobby to get some awareness and excitement going and to encourage this hardy group that many conferees never see in action.
Stay Warm and HAVE FUN!!!
Last edited by Kathy West - June 2018