Bastille Day (Juilet 14)
Number of People: 5 (1 organizer, 4 helpers)
Budget: $20
Celebrating Bastille Day is a tradition (perhaps because we don’t always get to celebrate July 4). It works best when there is a short and raucous event with some semblance of costumes and (if possible) a French flag. Appropriate activities can include: French Revolutionary mime on the porch, a parade, a guillotine (with Senior Teens playing roles such as the executioner and Marie Antoinette), storming of the castle (Cemetery or Parsonage), costumes, and skits.
Singing of la Marseillaise may occur before or after a meal (lunch or dinner). In recent years several musicians have played la Marseillaise during a parade to the guillotine. If you enlist their help, musicians will each want one copy of the sheet music, a few days before they are to play it.
Keep the budget in mind. We have found that kazoos are easy to get in the desired quantities, but little French flags are very expensive and not warranted.
Please schedule activities with the Chairs at the beginning of the week and let your creative juices flow. Vive la France!