Adult Farewell Party Music
Number of People: 2
Budget: $0
The Adult Farewell Party sets up in Newton on Friday night. The larger front room has music and dancing of some sort, while the room closer to the kitchen has food and conversation. In addition, there is often folk music and group singing going on in Parker. Recently, the party has run from after New Chairs' Chapel finishes until midnight or later. You only need music for the first hour or so, but more is always welcome.
There may be groups of musicians on the island that are willing to play live at the party; talk to the various groups that play on the Front Porch during the week, especially those who plan to play during Stunt Night and the Musicale. You should have a backup plan in case you can't find a live band. The simplest way is to bring some sort of speaker or dock for playing music off a phone. Check with Conference Services about how to set up the A/V equipment before the party on Friday afternoon. Whatever you can provide will be appreciated. Enjoy!
Last Edit Kathy West June 2018