All Star II 2005

Saturday, July 9, to Saturday, July 16, 2005

(Nik, Jonas, Bonnie and Greg)Chairs: Bonnie L. Sylvester & Jonas R. Gavelis

Speaker: Dr. Lisa L. Lahey, on Effective Communication Enhancement for Partnering and Parenting

A week on Star gives us time for spiritual, physical, and intellectual fulfillment as we meet new people, rediscover a simpler way of life, and learn how to carry a bit of Star with us for the rest of the year. Adults may attend the morning lecture series as well as afternoon "Talks on the Rocks".

Children (infants through eighteen) experience a daily program that includes art, music, and nature. We sing, laugh, and worship, play volleyball, tennis, and softball, and participate in unique Star Island traditions including polar bearing, Chanticleering, the Great People Hunt, candlelight services, and Dictionary. There is always time to rest, relax, and reconnect with family, old friends, and the beauty of the island. Join us.


Dr. Lisa L. Lahey Lisa with dark curls, blue eyes, and a smile. has consulted across the educational spectrum from K-12, colleges, universities and their boards and numerous corporations and non-profits. She is Associate Director of Harvard's Change Leadership Group, a national project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation dedicated to the development of leadership capacity toward the improvement of public school districts. She is Founder and Senior Consultant of Minds at Work, an organization dedicated to working with leaders to enhance mental complexity within individuals and teams within their organizations.


Effective Communication Enhancement for Partnering and Parenting.

"Relationships are fundamental to our lives and our well-being. Effective communication is the glue that holds and builds our relationships."

Dr. Lahey will challenge us to explore how we may develop and enhance our abilitiy to talk with the people we love, we work with and with whom we interact daily.

Recommended reading: Take a look at these books and decide whether you would like to bring them to the island with you. There will be a few available from the bookstore.

    • How The Way We Talk Can Change The Way We Work by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey

    • Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton and Heen

Minister of the Week

Bobby, greying in bright red sweater, and little blonde Julia, both bespectacled, immersed in the same book. Rev. Roberta (Bobbie) Nelson is minister emerita of the Cedar Lane UU Church, Bethesda, MD. She and her husband Chris are co-authors of the parent programs Parents as Resident Theologians, Parents as Social Justice Educators and Parents as Spiritual Guides. They are trainers for the sexuality program, Our Whole Lives.Registration

The room and board deposit of $100/person over the age of two is due at the time of registration. Registration fee is $55/adult (18 and over) and $45/child (up to a family maximum of $190). Write one check (for the SIC room and board deposit(s) and the All Star II registration fee(s)) payable to All Star II Conference. Donations of $10 or more may be made to the Ginny Levine Shoalership Fund.

The online registration site allows you to enter information about your family and they likes and dislikes, and which days you will be there on. This really helps the registrar! It also allows you to print out a form ready to mail in. If it is your first time using the pre-registration online, or if you have forgotten your password, you must email the conference registrar at as2reg2005@yahoo.com to get access.

Alternatively, you get a copy of the "blue book", available in February, and fill out the paper form inside it . In this case, someone will have to enter your data all by hand -- but that's OK too.

Each adult child out of high school must register using a separate form.

Whether you use the web site or the blue book to get the form, you must send the check and the signed form by mail, with self-addressed stamped envelope ($.37 postage) to Rodney Lowe.

The registration deadline is March 10; forms postmarked after March 10 are accepted on a space-available basis. Neither the room and board deposit nor the conference registration fee is refundable after May 1.

Financial Aid

Apply to Bernie May. Awards and inquiries kept confidential See the Shoalership fund.

Room and Board

Seven-day conference rates and other information.

Boat Schedule

CHANGE: For the 2005 season, conferees will be traveling to and from Star aboard the 149 passenger Captain's Lady. This a big change from last year.